Got a Question for the Cosmos? Let's Ask the Cards...

💫 I have been fascinated by the Tarot since an early age, receiving my first deck at 19 years old from my mother, who used to read the cards regularly at home when I was a child. Even though I'm well versed in the language and symbolism of the cards, and have been giving readings for over 13 years, I consider the Tarot to be a constantly unfolding mystery, one which can always reveal new wisdom & surprises.

🔮 Influenced by the work of Alejandro Jodorowsky & Rachel Pollack, I do not believe the Tarot can necessarily predict your future, but rather, view the cards as a mirror of your soul, providing you with the tools and guidance to face whatever challenges Fate (or society) may throw at you.  I adopt an expansive approach that moves beyond rigid gender binaries and fixed symbolic meanings towards one of fluidity: an approach that speaks to the myriad of human experiences by grounding into the wisdom of our bodies and lived experiences, reflecting how each individual uniquely navigates and moves through the world.

🔮 Interpretation is a collaborative process: all the answers you seek already lie deep within you. I will be your magical guide upon this journey, translating the language of the Tarot to help you unearth this inner wisdom & gain clarity on a tricky issue you may be dealing with. Being attentive to your individual & cultural needs, together we will question the cards, exploring future pathways, the challenges that may lay ahead, and strategies to confidently & carefully approach them.  💫

The Decks I work with: 

💫The Wild Unknown from Kim Krans 

💫 Rider Waite Smith, 

💫 Leonora Carrington’s Major Arcana, 

💫 Hoodoo Tarot from Tayannah Lee McQuillar (only on special request).

🔥 So if you’re feeling at a Crossroads in life, wish for some clarity on your current situation, or just curious about what the Cards might have to say - just get in touch!

Sliding Scale of Offerings: 

33.33 - 66.66 Euros  

1 hour in-depth reading - Included: check in & follow up via email, 2 weeks later.

You can contact me via email:


or via Instagram @wystik_wands