What happens when a bunch of anarchist wxtches attempt to raise the spirits of some of Berlin's most notorious and radical femmes in the hope of bringing the capitalist order down to its knees?
And how might Rosa Ray, our red haired witchy protagonist, react to being entangled in this magickal, mischievous weaving across time and space? All these questions and more are answered in my latest Zine : VENUS UNFOLDS THE ROSE
Unfolding across 66 gorgeous, glossy pages, this is a magical tale of divine transformation. It continues on from my zine ACAB BERLIN WXTCHES, and follows the shadowy activities of a radical group of wxtches, known as the Apocalyptic Coven of Anarchist Bitches.
Since the eviction from their witch cottage by a bunch of Bavarian Bacon Boys, the wxtches have spent a long, bitter winter hiding out on Teufelsberg. But Spring is on the horizon and our Wxtches are ready to burst out from the shadows and unleash their secret weapon onto the world.
Venus Unfolds the Rose is a story of divine transformation. One of healing, of justice, & radical, magickal collective action.
☽☽☽READ NOW☾☾☾
Upon first glance, this merry little tale of a coven of anarchist Wxtches, devoted to the Holy Whore of Love and War, may appear to be a work of fiction. But it is, in fact, an intricate weaving of magick, witchcraft, and the Spirits of History. The events here as they unfolded all took place in this fine city, at some point in time: the lives of the characters are inherently entwined with yours and mine.
Of course often fantastical in nature, and magickal in tone, these pages contain whispers from the Wxtches of this city, both present and deceased. Wxtches?! Wxtches?! What do you mean Wxtches??? Yes Wxtches. You know them well. She who has wandered the streets of Berlin, enacting change in every step. A radical, revolutionary, fiery force, she is the embodiment of transformation. She is Black, she is White, She is Queer, She is Femme, She is Trans, Non Binary, and everything in between. And this Wxtch wants you to hear their story.
So what I’m saying is that this story is a blending of true events with magickal imaginings of possibility. It reflects my own wxtchcraft practice, personal healing journey, scrying sessions with the Goddess, as well as my research into Radical Femmes, (especially Anita Berber, Audre Lorde & Rosa Luxemburg) the history of anti-capitalist social movements, heretics, Babalon, Feminism, Anarchism, Anti-Racism, Police Violence, Gentrification, occultism & the Haitian Revolution. An experimental practice in devising imaginative ways to manifest radical, societal change, combined with observations of what’s going on in the city. Another world is possible, we gotta start imagining and dreaming it into action.
So there is plenty to learn within these pages, and I hope you find something of interest. I thought my fellow Wxtchy nerds out there may appreciate some further reading and references which can be found in the downloadable Story Notes booklet below. Most of the images in the Zine are my own collaged creations, or from my collection of treasures I have found around Berlin. I’ve tried my best to identify every artist - but sometimes loose leaves get lost along the way. Please let me know if you discover an uncredited image and know the source - or if you see your own images & would like them to be removed. Credit & big thanks given when possible!
In humble gratitude to all the great thinkers, healers, artists, magickans & wxtches whose ideas & visions have nourished my body & shaped my mind.
Best wxtches,
Rosa Ray
Ps: As an Imbolc gift to you all, I have uploaded the Zine online so you can read it for Free! But if you'd like to get your witchy fingers on a print copy, they are available - here ..