Venus Unfolds the Rose
Venus Unfolds the Rose is a story of divine transformation. Since Ostara 2021 the wxtch formerly known as Janky Peasu has been undergoing a radical process of healing & transformation, unfolding into red haired enchantress ROSA RAY.
This sassy seductress is the secret weapon of the Apocalyptic Coven of Anarchic Baba, a rowdy band of Wyddershins Wxtches who run riot across the streets of Berlin, hexing police, cursing gentrification & starting wild ecstatic orgies across the city.
You can read the story of this dramatic unfolding, and learn more about the Anarchic Coven of Apocalyptic Babalonian Wyddershins Witches (ACAB 23.23) - Here.
As part of their very successful project Venus Unfolds the Rose, these Wxtches summoned the Spirit of some of Berlin’s finest Radical Femmes : Anita Berber & Rosa Luxembourg, all watched over by our Lady Babalon - Ishtar/Inanana, in conversation with Audre Lorde.
After the fated meeting beneath the Ostara Full Moon, this expansive ancestral spirit council agreed to leave the Berlin Spirit Klub and go back down into the World of Flesh to guide Rosa Ray & the Radical WXTCHES.
We only realised later that they're all there in the name: ROS/AN/NA
Anita Berber: Also known as Berlin’s Priestess of Depravity and Ecstasy. She was one of the city's first naked dancers, outrageous, Queer, gender non conforming, a whirlwind of frenzied hedonism - seductive, sensual and shocking. She could be seen flitting through Berlin’s hotels draped in furs and nothing else underneath.
Like most good witches, she had a perchance for intoxication. However, at the end of the day, she was a decadent drug fiend who consorted with the bourgeoisie and so that’s why we also stoke the revolutionary fires of:
Rosa Luxembourg!
Although Rosa Lux was a democratic socialist, while Rosa Ray is an Anarchist, we revive her unwavering revolutionary spirit and anti-capitalist ethos, in support of the collective masses, and radical militant action...for too many anarchists in the magical milieu are of the hyper individual anarcho capitalist types who believe Elon Musk to be their lord saviour.
And, like the witches who burned, she died by the hands of fascists...imprisoned and murdered, while her legacy was tarnished by pseudo intellectual men. She had knowledge of how to regulate her own periods, wrote a herbarium, and seemed to have birds as her animal familiars.
She may not have approved of anarchists or witchery ..but neither does Federici -- who is also the modern savior of radical witchcraft !
So Rosa Lux introduces the fiery, radical revolutionary spirit that we need right now in face of watered down moderate reformism, while Anita introduces the debauched sexuality and outrageous erotic power to challenge the insufferable patriarchal order which exercises excessive censorship and demands virtuous modesty from women. These two spirits are in conversation with another Radical resident of the Berlin Spirit Club, who we warmly invite into this expansive ancestral council: Black Lesbian Warrior Poet Audre Lorde.